Metal roofs are known for having a long lifespan, so they are the top choice for people looking forward to staying in a place for years. These roofs will last years and save you the hassle of spending your money on repairs every month.

However, that doesn’t mean metal roofs last forever, so you must replace them one day. When will that happen? We are here to answer this question.

Here, you can find a full explanation of when you should replace metal roofs and more facts about metal roofing estimates that could come in handy if you are looking forward to installing one for your house or commercial property.

Is It Cheaper to Put a Metal Roof or Shingles?

Metal roofing installation is not inexpensive, and although it saves you the money of replacing it or fixing it in the short or mid-term, it’s still difficult to pay that much money upfront. The average cost for a metal roof is $5,000 to $15,000, depending on how big you need the roof to be.

Average metal roofs cost from six dollars to $12 per square foot. On the other hand, installing a shingle roof is a much more affordable option for people working on a budget. Hence, shingle roofs are more prevalent in the U.S. than metal roofing alternatives.

The average cost of a shingle roof is from $8,000 to $9,000, and it can cost from four to eight dollars per square foot. A project to install a small metal roof under un-challenging working conditions will be less expensive than a significant shingle roof project in a place with severe weather conditions.

Metal roofing will change the price depending on the metal roof you want for your property. Standing seam metal roofs, for example, are more expensive than regular ones.

Can You Put a New Metal Roof Over an Old Metal Roof?

One of the biggest concerns of people starting a metal roofing project is if they can install their new metal panels over an existing metal roof. Most roofing contractors will remove the previous metal panels and do everything again, but that doesn’t mean you can’t do it the other way. This process is called re-roofing.

Why do people hire re-roofing services instead of removing their old metal roofs? Because re-roofing offers many benefits, you won’t get it with a regular replacement service. People pay less money for re-roofing than they would pay for a complete metal roof installation.

Apart from that, overlaying metal roofs give them more structural support. Hence, the whole metal roofing system is stable and more durable. Besides, doing it doesn’t take as long as a regular replacement service.

What Is the Biggest Problem with Metal Roofs?

Although going for metal roofing instead of other roofing materials brings many benefits to your life, there are some drawbacks you can’t ignore when installing a metal roof. However, the biggest of those disadvantages is that metal roofs are more prone to leak or suffer from severe weather conditions if you don’t install them properly.

This issue worsens in winter since snow can increase moisture in metal roofing, which will cause further structural problems in the future. Nonetheless, you can eliminate that issue by hiring metal roofing experts who install your metal roof properly.

Unfortunately, there are other issues you can’t run away from, and one of them is how expensive metal roofing solutions are. You won’t see this as a problem in the long run since metal roofs don’t need many repairs and have a longer lifespan than other options on the market.

The next issue comes when dealing with metal roof repair services. Whether you install a screw-down roof or a standing seam metal roof, finding the same type of metal you used for the initial installation process is complex.

Due to this, metal roofing will have a different color if you have to replace some of its panels.

How Often Do Metal Roofs Need to Be Replaced?

The main reason people buy metal roofing solutions is due to their lifespan since it allows them to save money from repairs and replacements for a lot of time. You won’t need to replace metal roofing in about 50 or 80 years, so don’t worry if you just installed yours.

However, this only applies if you don’t have any issues with the flat-standing seam metal roof before it gets close to the end of its lifespan. Metal roofing solutions in areas with weather conditions that don’t help them may last less.

residential house with metal roofing

What’s the Difference Between a Screw-Down Metal Roof and a Standing Seam Metal Roof?

When you install metal roofing solutions, you can choose between a standing seam metal roof or screw-down panels. When you go for the former, your roof comes with concealed fasteners not exposed to UV light, extreme weather conditions, or any external factor that could damage your roof.

Most metal roofing experts recommend buying a standing seam metal alternative over others.

Benefits of Metal Roofing

Other roofing materials, such as galvanized steel, have some drawbacks. However, the benefits of metal roofing solutions are enough to shadow their disadvantages.

You get these benefits if you buy a regular metal roof or a standing seam metal option.

Most people paying for metal roofing installation don’t know half the benefits this material offers them, which keeps them from enjoying them all. Are you planning on installing a metal roof? These are the main benefits of doing it!

Durability and Longevity

If you want a roof that will always stay stable and doesn’t require that much maintenance, you should start a metal roof project. As mentioned before, standing seam panels or regular metal panels last longer than asphalt shingles or other roofing materials.

Metal is also a resistant material, so you won’t have to hire metal roof repair services often. You may only need repairs if your hired contractor did poorly and left leaks on your new roof.


Metal roofs reflect sunlight, which keeps your house more relaxed than usual. Besides being excellent if you don’t like hot weather, it will help you save a lot of money in the long run. How can an entire roof help save money? It’s all on energy costs.

If you don’t like hot weather, cooling costs can be a bit expensive. Using many fans and air conditioning products will make the energy bill skyrocket. However, if your house is energy-efficient due to the sunlight reflection that standing seam metal roofs offer, you will use less energy than usual.

Roofs made of solar panels are also energy-efficient, but they are expensive.


One of the main benefits of metal roofing is that it may be the most eco-friendly and sustainable material on the market. Sheet metal roofing solutions are 100% recyclable, unlike asphalt shingles and other roofing materials.

If you don’t want to install your new sheet metal roof over an existing roof, you can remove the previous sheet metal materials used in your previous installation process. Contractors will recycle them in future projects.

Thus, someone will use the metal panel you got rid of for other roofing solutions. Most standing seam metal roofing projects are 25% recycled, so they are excellent if you don’t want to harm the environment for the roof replacement service you need.

Standing seam metal roofs are eco-friendly, too! If you install a flat-seam metal roof, you will more likely use recycled materials for your current roof.

metal roofing

Bottom Line – Hire a Roofing Local Company in Austin, TX, Now!

Now that you know all the benefits of hiring metal roofing services, we understand if you want to get a standing seam metal roofing solution now. However, you deserve the best metal roof project you can pay for, and if you live in central Texas, you can have it by calling us!

Even if you have the highest quality roofing panel, the finished roof won’t be that good if the metal roofing company you hire is not that good.

Get rid of your old roof and contact Austin Roofing & Water Damage | WDR for a quote on metal roofing systems in central Texas! We focus on customer satisfaction and use the highest quality materials for all our roofing options.